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"This is the BIG benefit you'll get from this free thing! I think you'll love it!

Liquid Silk assist and enhance safe sex experiences. The smooth, luxurious texture of the lubricant can stimulate more enjoyable anal and vaginal sex. With a non-sticky, non-tacky texture, the lubricant is also perfect for use during intimate massages and foreplay.

Liquid Silk is both CE marked and bio-static protecting against the spread of bacteria during sex and foreplay. This can stop the spread of yeast infections and fungal spores during intercourse.
The FREE 10mlx3 sachets of Liquid Silk are ideal for overnight bags or to pack with toiletries. Each sachet is suitable for a single use. Holidaying couples can simply pack a few sachets to make the most of their time away. Liquid Silk is incredibly simple to clean up after use without leaving any unsightly residue.
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